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Old 19-02-24, 17:24
Olde Crone Olde Crone is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 4,898

When I left school, I worked in a library. I was sent to the reference library to learn how it worked and was curious about people borrowing church registers. I was chatting to a pleasant lady who told me she was researching her family history - boom! I was hooked. I hadn't known such a thing was possible.

Over the next 40 years I made very slow progress, went down many rabbit holes and up many trees which weren't mine, but met many helpful people on the way. The best advice I received was "genealogy is 90% LOOK, 10% LUCK" .

The internet changed everything of course and was the sole reason I bought a computer. It changed everything, not always for better, but I can now do in an evening what would have taken five years before. It feels a bit like cheating still.

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