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Old 04-11-23, 12:11
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Originally Posted by JBee View Post
I manage husbands and son's dna's on my paid ancestry subscription - they don't have a paid sub so I rarely go into their accounts.

So do I do it for my account or both of theirs.

OH had huge problems yesterday trying to change phone number on a government site - it used phone authentication but our phone rejects unknown numbers - even when we changed to allow it - it still refused to connect. It then rejected the password but eventually after hours it worked and he changed the phone number.
Someone I know has 2FA for their taxes and they have changed phones (though they still have the same number) and no longer has access to the old phone, and when they tried to log in to do their taxes last year it was just impossible because there was no way to get in and if they phoned them up they were just held in a queue for hours. Luckily they had been sent a letter saying they didn't need to submit a tax return so they just gave up in the end. So I am wary of 2FA.

Family History News updated 21st May
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