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Old 18-10-19, 18:53
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Merry Merry is offline
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Originally Posted by kiterunner View Post
Are they on your DNA match list but with less than 20 cM's of shared DNA? Ancestry only lists someone as a shared match if they have 20 cM or more. I wish they would have another option to show those with less, because you can go through the lower matches checking each one to see who (of the > 20 cM matches) is shown as a shared match, but it is so time-consuming.

Or they share less than 20 cM with the other person.
OK, so I think they must have less than 20 cM with the other person/people as they are around 30-50 with me.

So, would I add them to the group they look like they belong to? (of course that's the group that has these two conflicting people in it and I'm not sure which one perhaps shouldn't be in the group! So, which to put them with?!)

I suppose I could re-title the group to reflect the two branches and then bung 'everyone' in it?

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