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Old 05-08-19, 08:28
Sue from Southend's Avatar
Sue from Southend Sue from Southend is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 1,309

I linked my sister's DNA results to a different tree last week and waited patiently for Thru'Lines and Common Ancestors to update. Four days later - nothing! So I contacted the help line wondering if maybe you couldn't change a tree. Miraculously they replied within a couple of hours and said that Thru'lines was still in Beta and that if it hadn't updated within another 48 hours to remove the tree and relink. Then strangely (or not!) Thru'Lines updated! Sadly it didn't give me what I was hoping for but that's another story...

So, the moral of this is be patient! Sorry I can't be of any more help..
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