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Old 15-01-19, 22:30
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kiterunner kiterunner is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Nottingham
Posts: 25,330

My ancestry tree is the whole tree for me and my OH with everyone on (living people's details are kept private by ancestry). When one of your matches sees you on their match list, it will just show them your direct ancestors going back up to 10 generations, and they will be able to click a button to view your tree from there. Unless you use a private tree, in which case they will just see your username and the number of people in your private tree.

Oh, also, you can use a tree which you don't link yourself to, but it makes life harder for your matches, as they have to click through more screens to view your tree and they don't know for sure which are your direct ancestors, plus your username won't come up if they search their match list for any of the surnames in your "pedigree".

Family History News updated 21st May
Lancashire Non-conformist records new on Ancestry
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