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Old 11-05-13, 10:05
Olde Crone Olde Crone is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 4,881

*Slaps Glen*.

Makes a nonsense of all that business about inbreeding being a bad thing though. If the genes are good, you generally get good genes. Animal breeders have known this for many centuries.

On the other side of the coin though - if the OP is correct, then equally Osric the gooseboy, Greasy Joan and Will the blacksmith also have over one million descendants living today......

I'm busy with a little sketch tree at the mo, starting with a couple born in the 1780s. They had a least 11 children. 5 survived to adulthood and had 8 children between them. By 1923 there isn't a single person left on this line, it has completely died out. So, there's at least one line which MAY have been descended from R3, who knows, but has long gone. The same must apply in every generation - just because you are born doesn't mean you will leave descendants!

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