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Phoenix 04-10-18 12:46

DNA Story
Some things take a long time...

If I look at the map for Best Mate's DNA and click on a date at the bottom, it shows migration streams in the period, and a list of ancestors alive at the time. It does not show which ancestor may be connected with which migration stream but....

Some ancestors have round avatars with their initials. Why some, not all?

I cannot find an explanation any where. It would be nice to think that the initialled ancestors actually have a proven link to migration (or don't figure in the data at all)

Does anyone actually know if there is any significance to this? As best mate does not have a sub, I don't know how much info we are missing out on.

kiterunner 04-10-18 12:54

The only ancestors on mine who have round avatars with their initials are the ones who are still alive. And they haven't migrated.

Phoenix 04-10-18 13:24

Thanks, Kite.
Did you see that written down anywhere, or did you work it out?

kiterunner 04-10-18 17:59

Just worked it out. I'd never even looked at that page before.

Phoenix 04-10-18 21:00

Well, I've killed one of them off. Now waiting for Ancestry to update it.

Phoenix 05-10-18 10:08

Just to add, wow, wow, thank you Kite for suggestions on another thread. I may still have 17k potential matches, but I do now have a better notion of who is useful, by virtue of managing best mate's data. Clearly it is much more useful to have a sub in connection with DNA results.

Sue from Southend 05-10-18 12:13


Originally Posted by Phoenix (Post 353422)
Just to add, wow, wow, thank you Kite for suggestions on another thread. I may still have 17k potential matches, but I do now have a better notion of who is useful, by virtue of managing best mate's data. Clearly it is much more useful to have a sub in connection with DNA results.

Any chance of a link to Kite's helpful suggestions please? I'm struggling with finding the link to most of my matches:rolleyes:

kiterunner 05-10-18 12:19

I assume she means this post, Sue:

Phoenix 05-10-18 12:35

I do indeed, Kite.
It may no take me longer to dismiss the no hopers, but at least I can see who can be of mutual use, without swapping between log-ins the whole time. And spot the mutual names (think I'll remove her Smith - it is not helpful!)

Sue from Southend 05-10-18 15:02

Thanks Kite and Phoenix, it has explained some of the terminology but I'll have to keep re reading it till it sinks into my cold befuddled head ;(

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