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WendyPusey 11-09-09 15:44

Where do I look?
I have just been given a tree of my OH's Pusey family. It says that his 3 X Great Grandfather Nathaniel Pusey was jailed for 1 year with hard labour for poaching, in 1820 Taplow.

I've never had to look for any criminal records etc before so can someone give me some advice as to how I can find some information to verify this please.

Can't ask the person who drew up the tree as they have passed on.:(

kiterunner 11-09-09 15:59

Ancestry has recently put some Criminal Registers online, but I can't get ancestry to load on the laptop at the moment to look.

WendyPusey 11-09-09 16:03

I don't have access to the Criminal records.

kiterunner 11-09-09 16:13

I got it to load but he wasn't listed on there. Had a look at the 19th Century British Library Newspapers but I couldn't see him on there either. So I think you would have to go to the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies:

WendyPusey 11-09-09 16:20

Thanks Kite, but I don't think I will be going to Buckinghamshire in person.:(

Will have to see if anyone is going.

kiterunner 11-09-09 16:27

We do have a member offering lookups at Bucks Archives but I'm not sure if his offer would include looking through the quarter sessions. It would be worth asking him, though, I should think.

WendyPusey 11-09-09 16:29

He has done some lookups for me in the past. Will see what he says about the criminal records.

Thanks Kite.

JessBow 11-09-09 16:45

any of these yours?

Nell 11-09-09 18:35

My ancestor was a witness in a quarter sessions hearing - found him on the site. If your relative is there it will give a reference a person going to Centre for Bucks Studies can use to locate the document quickly. Or alternatively that you can use to ask for a photocopy.

GenieDi 12-09-09 08:35

I'm sure Bucks have online gaol records.

I'll see if I can find a link

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