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Babel 02-12-10 20:17

Looking into the eyes of an undead aunt.

Olde Crone 02-12-10 20:50

Ah, what a sad story.

Do you know why Florence was sent to Barnado's?


Jill 02-12-10 21:01

How wonderful that you were able to discover her, and you must have been pleased that she had the security of marrying - did she have children of her own?

Babel 02-12-10 21:29

EDIT: out of date info

vallee 02-12-10 22:15

How wonderful
Can I ask how you managed to get her records ??? as they wouldn't give me my Grandfathers Sisters they wanted a £100 but would only send them if I could prove she had no living rellies ? would be fascinated to know how you got around it thanks

Babel 02-12-10 22:51

I couldn't get round it, unfortunately. The records remain unseen, due to the fact she does, apparently, have living descendants from her marriage. Barnardos supplied her marriage details and the birth details of her son to prove I wasn't eligable without his express consent.

However, photographs are available to anyone. As long as you pay them :)

vallee 02-12-10 23:21

Thanks Babel I managed to get the photos they were in the same place as your rellie before they were shipped to Canada in 1900, I may try again as I have now found their marriages and deaths and there are no children from one of them so may get lucky .

Lynn the Forest Fan 03-12-10 06:35

How fascinating but very sad

Olde Crone 03-12-10 09:35

A possible suggestion as to why she kept one child and not the other....I have a story of a woman who was widowed with twins. She met a widower who wanted to marry her but would only take one of the twins........she agreed, presumably hoping he would change his mind. (He didn't, the story ended tragically).

We can't know at this distance of course, but.......HOW could she have put Florence into Barnardo's on Christmas Eve???


Sabrina 03-12-10 18:14

What a sad story, but how wonderful to have the photos of her. Have you made contact with her descendants?

Babel 03-12-10 18:39


Originally Posted by Sabrina (Post 100991)
What a sad story, but how wonderful to have the photos of her. Have you made contact with her descendants?

Well, using the information given to me by Barnardo's about her marriage and son, I was consequently able to make contact with the grandson, on genesreunited. All he or his father ever knew was that she came from a home, so the information on her mother and siblings was initially very exciting for him.

It was all going very well and I'd emailed him many photos and certificates and he's responded very happily. However, when he finally received information about the pivotal events in 1908 and his Nan's dispatch to Barnardos he stopped corresponding completely. My further emails remained unanswered. I can only imagine that the stark reality of what my great-grandmother actually did hit home and he wanted no more to do with it.

It was sad and disappointing, but ultimately understandable. At least now he knows the facts and can continue any research if he sees fit. His mystery solved. But from my point of view it would have been nice to correspond further and exchange more knowledge, since he is technically my mum's cousin and we could have benefited each other's understanding of the family. Some things are just not meant to be though. I can see why he might want to leave things as they are.

Sabrina 03-12-10 18:55

It must have come as quite a shock to him, finding out that his grandmother was rejected like that, for whatever reason. When all is said and done, it must have been very difficult for your great grandmother to put her daughter into care. Perhaps in time he will come to terms with it, after all it's not your fault.

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