View Full Version : Norfolk knowledge needed!

Sue from Southend
19-01-11, 19:41
Ellen/Eleanor Cant was born in Norfolk abt 1790.

In 1851 she just states Norfolk.

In 1861 she states Elgar, Norfolk http://search.ancestry.co.uk/iexec?htx=view&r=5538&dbid=8767&iid=LINRG9_2349_2353-0589&fn=Thomas&ln=Caut&st=d&ssrc=&pid=21818254 (entry at bottom of the page)

In 1871 I can't actually make out what it says but Ancestry have transcribed it as Phistle Hill. http://search.ancestry.co.uk/iexec?htx=view&r=5538&dbid=7619&iid=LINRG10_3357_3360-0558&fn=Ellen&ln=Cant&st=d&ssrc=&pid=3189595 (entry at top of page)

I've looked at maps and Genuki etc and am not coming up with much except that Elgar might possibly be Hilgay. Any bright ideas as to where Ellen/Eleanor may have been born?

19-01-11, 20:07
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ZBl_LTDg_pIJ:www.countrysideaccess. norfolk.gov.uk/pdfs/healthwalks/DMbooklores.pdf+thistle+hill,+norfolk&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

There is a Thistle Hill Road near Hilgay. (3/4 way down page)

Sue from Southend
20-01-11, 07:26
That looks promising, Wendy. Thankyou! Off now to try and find a birth.

Sue from Southend
20-01-11, 07:57
I've found a birth on Family Search on the new Norfolk records for an Ellen Woods in Hilgay, 1790! However, on the marriage record to Thomas Cant in Ancaster, Lincs 1812 according to Family Search she is an Eleanor Wood. She is also Eleanor on the children's baptism records.
Now I was quite prepared to accept that she was christened Eleanor and called Ellen for short but the other way round? Perhaps she had a flight of fancy! But it fits so beautifully!

Chris in Sussex
20-01-11, 10:12

It is possible...My GGrandmother was registered and baptised as 'Fanny' but married and died as Frances.
Dad remembers her well and she was always known as 'Fan' so my guess is she 'poshed it up' for the wedding and anything 'official' :)


20-01-11, 11:24
The names Eleanor, Ellen, Helen, and Helena were interchangeable in those days.

Sue from Southend
20-01-11, 12:14
I'm think you must both be right. I can't see an alternative marriage for Thomas or one for an Ellen Wood/s so it seems likely that it is the same woman. I've also found baptisms in Lincolnshire, in the right area, that may be Ellen's siblings....

Chris - have I told you before that my daughter was baptised in the Church in your avatar? It always takes me by surprise when I see it on one your threads, lol!

Janet in Yorkshire
20-01-11, 14:17
I think what was recorded was often at the whim of the vicar or registrar.
With so many people not being able to read, they had no opportunity to challenge what had been written.

It still happens today - my friend's grandson Jamie (and registered as such on his birth cert) had been transformed into James on his first school report.
Another friend's grandad was Tom. Family legend has it that when he was baptised, the vicar said "Thomas, surely?" Baby's father said "No, Tom - there's enough asses in this family already.":d


20-01-11, 17:10
have you checked on images here

20-01-11, 19:37
I wouldn't worry about the Ellen/Eleanor thing. I've instances of the same person being recorded as Eleanor and Nelly, Ellen and Helen etc. What someone records is probably what they thought was right, doesn't mean it was.

Also individuals might decide to change their name or have a variant of it because they like it.

20-01-11, 22:44
My mil was baptised Ellen, as was her mother, but she was always known as Nell.

Sue from Southend
21-01-11, 09:13
Thanks everyone - you've convinced me! Ellen and Eleanor are one and the same person, hoorah!