View Full Version : Old newspapers help please

26-07-10, 17:00
I know there was a case between 1830 and 1850 of two Pridden brothers who bought some skins but did not pay for them. When the merchant tried to reclaim his property they accused him of theft.

This would be in London, either on Times or C19th Newspapers. I've looked at the Times site, but the search engine is so poor, I have no idea whether I might have found the right case or not.

Would someone have a look for me, please?

Sue from Southend
26-07-10, 18:57
Just so you don't think that you're being ignored.... I can't find anything either! Sorry.

26-07-10, 21:26
Hi Phoenix,

Don't know what sites you've been using to search but have you tried this one? - http://newspapers.bl.uk/blcs/


27-07-10, 09:06
Hi both of you, thank you for looking.

If I found it once, I know it's there to find again - just hiding!

I think it must be under Law Intelligence, but Elaine's search engine seems just as vague as the one in the Times. I have no confidence from the descriptions that I've found what I'm looking for. It might be one of the entries in the mid 1840s, but I'm not sure.

Just Gillian
27-07-10, 10:16
Phoenix - Sorry, I can't see any reference to the case on either The Times or 19th Century newspaper sites.

I did smile at a reference to Charles Pridden, Secretary to the Phoenix Gas company.

27-07-10, 12:55
Lol, Gillian. I think that those Priddens were far more respectable than mine (related by marriage only & I have NO connection with the Phoenix Gas Company!)

Teach me not to back up every document I look at. It's not this one, is it?

Court Of Exchequer, Tuesd... The Times | January 22, 1845

I thought it was Chancery and 1835. But if it were an Exchequer case, that would explain why it wasn't indexed at the National Archives.

Just Gillian
27-07-10, 13:14
Yes that's the one Phoenix! Wonder why I didn't spot it when I searched for Pridden 1830 to 1850?

I'm pm'ing you.

27-07-10, 13:22
Thank you very much, Gillian. Sensible women would keep backups, not kill their computers and then not even get them repaired.

Just Gillian
27-07-10, 13:33
You've frightened me into an immediate and long overdue backup of my files on to my external drive Phoenix!

*wonders how well that will go as she simultaneously stirs her courgette glut soup*