View Full Version : Death Duty Help Needed

22-04-10, 17:36
It never even occurred to me that John Horne a labourer whose will was proved in the PCC IN 1823 would have paid Death Duty, durrh:o

Well, his will WAS subject to Death Duty. The entry is on Find My Past. Bottom of page 1 for PCC wills 1823. I can read the whole page, EXCEPT the folio number for his will:mad:

Has anyone used the microfilms at Kew recently? My memory of looking things up was horrendous, even when I knew what I was looking for.

22-04-10, 18:13
Sorry, I can't look at the page to see if I can decipher the folio number, because I'd have to use up credits. Can you snag just that bit of the image and post it up for us to have a go at?

23-04-10, 09:28
I don't actually need anyone to look at the image, Kate, because I don't imagine anyone else will have a clearer image. It's the actual procedure to be followed thereafter.

If folio simply means page number, I can scoot through the twenty odd possible pages it might be. If it's folio ala pcc wills, then I could be gone for days.

If people have experience getting hold of the actual entries rather than the indexes, I'd be interested. I have done it before, and have notebooks full of numbers in circles & numbers in boxes so I could convert the original microfilm through to the entry, but all I remember is how complicated the procedure was. fmp simplifies the first stage, but I can't remember what to do next.