View Full Version : Friendly Societies

Lynn the Forest Fan
22-03-10, 17:38
My newly found cousin gave me a copy of a newspaper article on my gg grandfather George Smith, which mentioned that he had held all positions at "Oddfellows" On investigation it would seem that this is the name of a Friendly society, Is this like the masons?

22-03-10, 18:20
No, it's a savings and loan kind of thing.

22-03-10, 18:31
Ah, looking at Wikipedia, they did used to do lots more than they do now! It does mention a similarity to the Masons in the article, sorry:


Lynn the Forest Fan
22-03-10, 20:38
Thats interesting Kate, thanks. I like the idea that it was made up of groups of workers, not large enough to form their own Guilds. I wonder if they keep records. My gg grnafather died in 1930, so this isn't too long ago.

23-03-10, 10:35
They did keep records, Lynn, but I think they were often kept locally, by individual officials, so may not survive. I think there is a book on the subject, but can't remember its title. Possibly produced by SoG.

Lynn the Forest Fan
23-03-10, 13:26
I think I might try & contact them, as they still exist. They can only say no.:)

Uncle John
23-03-10, 21:09
There is an active branch of the Oddfellows in Bedford. They do seem to have a few rituals but not on the scale of the masons.

23-03-10, 23:38
They do keep records Lynn and they are digitising them ;)

Lynn the Forest Fan
24-03-10, 05:59
Wow, thanks Peppie, that looks really interesting. :)

24-03-10, 10:04
hi lynn, i would imagine they were like the masons, buffs, rotary and lions, usually these groups held monthly meetings with a note of all present plus rank, also any visitors for the evening, maybe a guest speaker or a subject for the evening, usually kept in great detail, try and find where they met, 1930 is not a long time ago and you should be able to find where the minutes of the meetings are now kept

Lynn the Forest Fan
24-03-10, 13:18
Thanks Bidston. I know where they met, Oddfellows hall in Barton upon Humber, they are still going as well. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they might have some info, maybe even a pic. :)