View Full Version : Find my grandpas French birth records

08-09-23, 23:45
Hi all, it's been really difficult to find any birth records for my grandpa, who was born in 1922 in Paris, France (allegedly). His full name is Maximino Carlos Alberto Gonzalez Gagnebin, which is quite a mouthful. :d

He was born on February 26th, 1922, in Paris, France. A couple of years later his father/mother moved to Mexico. Father, Manuel Gonzalez, and his mother Fernanda Gagnebin. Manuel moved to Mexico to enlist in the military. What's interesting is I was able to find a record in the Mexican civil registration births for my grandpa (Max) , and in it it says that my grandpa was indeed born in Paris, France on February 26th, 1922. His name in that register is listed as "Maximino Gonzalez y Gagnebin."

Seems I'm not able to find his name in French birth records because there are so many variations of the spelling of his name. Pretty much every name of his has a French alternate and it's making it incredibly difficult to track him down. Like when I search for his mom, Fernanda Gagnebin, it gives me different flavors of her last name. On top of that, people in my family are telling me Fernanda was born in Switzerland but lived in France.

If anyone has suggestions or can help me find his record that would be helpful. Happy to provide any other info.

09-09-23, 09:31
Welcome to the forum, Alan. Have you already looked through the indexes on this link?

He would most likely be listed under Gonzalez but you should also try Gagnebin.

09-09-23, 11:10
Here is a link to his entry of birth in the 14th arrondissement.

https://archives.paris.fr/arkotheque/visionneuse/visionneuse.php?arko=YTo2OntzOjQ6ImRhdGUiO3M6MTA6I jIwMjMtMDktMDkiO3M6MTA6InR5cGVfZm9uZHMiO3M6MTE6ImF ya29fc2VyaWVsIjtzOjQ6InJlZjEiO2k6NDtzOjQ6InJlZjIiO 2k6MzA0NTg0O3M6MTY6InZpc2lvbm5ldXNlX2h0bWwiO2I6MTt zOjIxOiJ2aXNpb25uZXVzZV9odG1sX21vZGUiO3M6NDoicHJvZ CI7fQ==#uielem_move=-1885%2C-409&uielem_rotate=F&uielem_islocked=0&uielem_zoom=196

Go to page 4 and he is in the middle of the page.

09-09-23, 11:22
According to the entry his mother was Albertine Fernandez Gagnebin. She was 21, his father was 33.

09-09-23, 15:55
Welcome to the forum, Alan. Have you already looked through the indexes on this link?

He would most likely be listed under Gonzalez but you should also try Gagnebin.

WOW! Thank you! I looked through all those pages last night and must have missed it.