View Full Version : Strange Parish Register entries

25-08-22, 03:27
1908 Marriages (https://www.ancestry.co.uk/discoveryui-content/view/8591379:2253)

I was looking at ancestry hints and was taken to this page which had marriages recorded but I could not see the exact date. The next page was the same and I thought this was strange for St Peters Church (Bradford Cathedral) in Yorkshire. They are usually very good.

I then looked at the page before and it was in the normal format for December 1908. The marriage I was looking for had been transcribed as Feb 1908.

Going back to the beginning I found my marriage in the normal format, so I am wondering if this page is some sort of recording page. I don't need an answer as such, I just thought people might be interested in seeing what seems to be a behind the scenes thing.

Mary from Italy
25-08-22, 11:46
I think they're the banns (there are 3 dates at 1-week intervals after each group of entries).

25-08-22, 13:50
That did cross my mind at some point. I think I got side tracked and forgot.

Olde Crone
25-08-22, 21:04
I was delighted when I found that the parish clerk had included banns in the church register, leaving a clear page for the banns and subsequent marriage complete with signatures of all witnesses - one marriage I was interested in had no less than eleven witnesses! Some were so overcome with excitement they signed twice, lol.

I confess to missing the old days of looking at original registers, or at least films of original registers. There is often so much more than baptisms, marriages and deaths. There are confirmation records, Sunday school records, opinions about the morals of various people, haha, and very sadly once, a whole page in Latin which followed some very bizarre entries. I managed to get it translated and it said that the previous vicar had lost his reason due to senility but that no one could be found to replace him, so there was a gap of several years in the records.


26-08-22, 06:59
When I started, not only was I looking at original records, but the rector or a church warden kept their beady eyes on me.
One rector showed me a marriage entry which had recently been amended. The couple had married, I think in the 1950s. Another senile vicar. He got the names wrong, but you didn't argue with the vicar, so they signed as they were told to. Decades later they needed the certificate and had to admit that both they and the vicar had been wrong.
There must have been a few other entries like that which never were corrected.

Olde Crone
26-08-22, 07:48
In the days when I used to go to my local Mormon family history centre to do my research, the manager told me that her local vicar had once caught someone "amending" an entry, in the marriage register, lol.