View Full Version : US Newspapers 1833

16-11-20, 16:31
I found this entry on the Find A Grave index:

David McCREARY d. age 44 years.

September 23, 1833
Location: New York
Paper: Spectator

I wonder if anyone has access to this paper or knows how I can access it, to find out if there was anything helpful in the death notice (or whatever was published - a nice long obit?!!!)

16-11-20, 16:40
Here is some info about the paper which probably won't help with accessing it right now (though I haven't clicked all the links etc and read all of it yet):


16-11-20, 16:44
Thanks Kate - it's a start!

16-11-20, 16:47
Ah, this site is supposed to have it available online and says access is free!


Edit - sorry, maybe that isn't the right site. The original site said available online at University of California but didn't seem to have a link through to it so I searched and seem to have come up with the wrong place. :(

16-11-20, 16:52
Bother, this looks like the correct site but you have to be a student or member of staff there to access it:


16-11-20, 17:00
Bother - my cousin has been both of those things, but that would be about 20+ years ago!

Thanks anyway!

16-11-20, 17:10
It might possibly be somewhere on here?

https://fultonhistory.com/My%20Old%20Photos/Historical%20Newspapers%20United%20States%20and%20 Canada/New%20York%20NY%20Spectator/New%20York%20NY%20Spectator%201832%20-%201833%20Grayscale/index.html

I don't know if there is a way of finding out which PDF is for which date, or if you have to keep downloading them to see which is which, but will leave that for you to figure out!

16-11-20, 17:24
Janet might be able to help when she sees this.

16-11-20, 17:42
Kate, I'll have a look at that later, thanks.

Elizabeth, that's what I was thinking!!

17-11-20, 04:12
Mmm, sorry, I've failed you, Merry.

There don't appear to be any editions of the NY Spectator available from September 1833. I tried fultonhistory but not there. (And yes, Kate, it's not easy to find out which PDF is for which date and you do have to keep downloading them to see which is which.) Also found something called Google News Archive that I didn't know exists, but they also say no editions available for September 1833.

Simple internet searching was also unsuccessful. :(

17-11-20, 07:26
Thank you so much for trying Janet. I suppose the chances that this is my David are pretty slim. The name is fairly rare in England (he was born in London), but common in Ireland, so this man in New York is more likely to be of Irish heritage. I expect the death notice would tell me no more than the information recorded on Find a Grave, so I would be none the wiser!

17-11-20, 10:28
Merry - the Spectator Archive offers a month's free trial alongside a page from Sep 1833.

17-11-20, 11:10
Isn't that a different Spectator, though?

17-11-20, 13:00
Oh, is it? That'll teach me to leave it to those who know what they're doing (!)

17-11-20, 15:31
I do wonder where Find A Grave got that from, though, if no issues from September 1833 are extant. This still bothers me. :confused:

17-11-20, 15:51
No idea Janet!