View Full Version : Organising Your Family History Photographs

01-05-20, 10:36
After literally years and years of collecting Family History Photos and really not preserving them, labelling them, or looking after them with the care that they deserved, I have finally decided to re-organise, digitise, scan, catalog, label and store my photo collection.

After years and years of thinking about it and putting it off I have finally made a start, I will be documenting the whole process from choice of materials, storage, media etc and wanted to share with you the process. I looked online on various forums and websites, to get tips and ideas, and I think it's certainly worthwhile reading and looking at examples of what others have done, which is why I wanted to share this with you.


02-05-20, 11:34
I have a collection of old photos. I've put them all on my laptop and copied them to memory sticks. The really od ones (on card) have been put in acid-free folders and are kept in my fire-proof safe. They're all labelled and dated as best I can do.

03-05-20, 01:57
I have tried to scan most of the old photos I have had access to or have copies of. I keep the digital ones both on a hard drive and online. The more copies there are, the better the chances of survival.
I learned the hard way not to just have one storage option.

03-05-20, 08:13
I agree the more storage options you have the better. I opted for cloud storage, External HDD which I already had and online uploading.

I have finished the next stage of the re-organisation of my Family History Photo Collection and the next part can be followed here;


03-05-20, 12:01
I use most of the above options...but the one I like the best, albeit expensive, is to self-publish books of photos together with explanatory notes. I have been able to send copies of these books to my siblings and they can be purchased by other interested family members who get involved in genealogy. I use Blurb, but there are other self publishing companies which do much the same.

My latest effort was a collection of my mother's photos, which was produced in hard cover on glossy paper (hence the expense), but I was pleased with the result. If this method interests you, you can use this link to view a sample copy

https://au.blurb.com/bookstore/invited/7218228/213117b886445fbdb81db7f4e2b2268b23836bf0?utm_mediu m=email&utm_source=application&utm_campaign=share-share_promote&utm_content=0922am-08_30_19-body

03-05-20, 15:01
Always so much more to do. Nice work, Bev.

04-05-20, 15:59
One good thing - when my grandmother went into a care home, my Mum made a photo album of her life and labelled it all. I now have a wonderful pictorial record of Grannie from her christening photo onwards and many members of our family all identified.

06-05-20, 10:40
Although it must have been a sad moment when Granny went into the care home Nell, what a wonderful thing to do, create a pictorial record of her life, what a beautiful thing to keep.

23-05-20, 12:29
Part 3 is finally here!! Apologies for the delay, but had a few family difficulties to negotiate*
