View Full Version : FreeBMD's search page

26-05-19, 18:03
Maybe I've just been slow to notice this, but FreeBMD always used to say you could choose either a county or a registration district, not both. And now if you select a county, it gives you a list of the districts within that county. Does anyone know when this changed? It's much handier the new way.

26-05-19, 19:29
This side of about 2pm today?

26-05-19, 19:32
Actually, I think today I only searched with a specific district, but I definitely searched Somerset yesterday evening and nothing happened with the districts list then.

26-05-19, 19:37
Lokes like a great improvement! (not that it was bad before!!)

28-05-19, 13:33
I think it was a bit longer than yesterday, maybe last week? I can't remember exactly when I used it last but it was there when I did.

16-06-19, 07:37
I've not used FreeBMD for a few days, but this morning it has reverted to the old search for me (selecting a county doesn't reveal the districts in that county in the Districts list).

16-06-19, 09:13
Same here.

16-06-19, 09:15
That's strange Merry. Free BMD is working the new way for me today but last week it had reverted to the old system.

16-06-19, 09:32
I just looked at the Help page on FreeBMD and the instructions for District and County are for the old style search. If you have the new style search working I wonder if that is reflected on the Help page?

19-06-19, 10:39
The new style is not working for me today although it was within the last few days. Strange.

19-06-19, 10:41
Refreshed and got the new search facility but the help page did not change, at least where it discusses counties and districts, which is all I looked at.