View Full Version : 344 4th cousins.....

17-05-19, 15:05
I may regret having my aunt's DNA tested!

Who can beat this?

It fascinates me that sib's child has nearer 150, and I less than 250.

Olde Crone
17-05-19, 16:04
You are going to have a very long Christmas card list, Phoenix!


17-05-19, 16:27
Can't beat it, but one of my relatives has 313.

17-05-19, 16:37
I've got 275. OH has 212 but I thought he had more than me until I looked!

17-05-19, 16:47
I can see that I may not bother with the £31k distant matches.....

Sue from Southend
17-05-19, 16:59
I have 289 4th-6th cousins and 36,981 distant cousins.

I really wish I hadn't looked now :d Thanks Phoenix:rolleyes:

19-05-19, 23:13
You beat me by 1. 343 and growing daily.

20-05-19, 00:21
I only have 181, my mam has 198!

20-05-19, 01:32
My dad has 388 4th cousin or closer matches, and my daughter 198. We know that about 50 of Dad's matches are from his direct paternal line.

In total Dad has over 41,000 matches and I have not bothered with any less than 20cMs unless Ancestry suggests a common ancestor or there is a large family tree. We have picked up half a dozen in the 7-8cMs range who have a common ancestor (his 5xgreat grandparents).

I like Common Ancestor feature better than the ThruLines and DNA Circles.

20-05-19, 10:30
I haven't explored Thrulines enough. It has confirmed the close matches, who for the most part, I had already been in contact with. Further up the tree it either confirms what I already have or has something I've disproven and you can't get rid of an incorrect Thrulline to get a better/different option.

Common ancestors is good for showing how matches are related but I still haven't got any further back.

20-05-19, 15:08
I feel very unloved - I only have 124 4th cousins, and it has taken 2 years to get that many.

20-05-19, 15:35
Crawfie we must be the poor relations!

I've seen lots of posts on various forums and until you posted I hadn't spotted anyone with less matches than me.

Mary from Italy
21-05-19, 12:19
I think it may depend partly on where the people in your tree are located.

I'm getting far more matches for a branch of my family that moved to Australia, and quite a few for a Canadian branch, but few or sometimes no matches at all for the English branches, the reason presumably being that a lot more people in Australia and the USA/Canada have tested.

I have 196 4th cousins or closer.

20-08-19, 10:11
I have just made it up to 133 4th cousins. My 133rd is my son whose DNA I am managing. His initial results already give him 192 4th cousins, but only 33 of those are shared with me. Definitely miffed :d

20-08-19, 11:18
Son has 329 4th cousins or closer matches.

Unfortunately most of them relate to my bf's line - lots of americans who have tested - but I'm desperate to find a connection to my great grandmother's family in Ireland but so far nothing.

Another is OH's line where there's quite a few gaps which need filling but so far they've not produced any hits.

I just wish I could wave a magic wand.