View Full Version : Family Tree Maker

27-11-18, 03:44
Is there any way you can copy notes (which are too long to type) to send to a family member from Family Tree Maker. You can apparently make it bold, underline, change colour, but it just will not copy. I can't print it (another option) as I dont have a printer with me.

27-11-18, 04:00
Could you get a screen shot, Jood?

27-11-18, 04:08
It is 3 pages long! What I did do was pretend I was going to do a report on that family, just 3 generations, and when I right clicked the report, I found I was able to make a pdf copy (or other suggestions), so all done now. If anyone wants a better explanation I can do a sample or something. Your suggestion was logical tho - why aren't you in bed??????

27-11-18, 04:51
Can't get away with anything around here.
Glad you found a way.

27-11-18, 05:42
Kate will be on your back soon!!!

27-11-18, 07:37
Next time, try CTRL + C, if you didn't already try that, Jood.

27-11-18, 07:56
Hey Kate, I tried it and it worked. Not sure why FTM don't have an actual copy button, but I've used Ctrl C and it worked. I've never been a fan of Ctr C & P, but will remember it for next time.

Thank you.