View Full Version : Index to the Services of Heirs in Scotland 1700-1859 - Familysearch

29-08-18, 09:52

As far as I know, you have to browse through.

29-08-18, 11:04
Yes you have to browse.

The records are set out in a small year span ie 1707-1709, 1710-1719 and are alphabetical within the time frame, so you need to have an idea when someone died.

29-08-18, 15:19
I've just made an alphabetical list of all the surnames I'm looking for, and I'm just going to scroll through from the beginning and see what I find. I've already found one of my ancestors in there.

31-08-18, 10:50
You're good, I've only looked for one surname. I still can't work out when someone died although if the surnames were different I wouldn't see it.

I'm going to go back and see if I can find my man alive, not dead.

31-08-18, 13:20
The date when the name of a deceased person appears in the index doesn't necessarily show when they died, anyway, Toni, as there can be a very long gap between the death and the listing.

03-09-18, 15:04
And apparently the pre-1700 records are included in the links on here: