View Full Version : FMP and BNA

13-12-17, 19:43
I have previously had a stand-alone subscription for the British Newspaper Archive, but have recently also subscribed to FMP and thought, since the latter included the former, I wouldn't have to pay for the BNA separately when my existing subscription ran out. However, I tried doing the same search on both the BNA and FMP newspaper collection, and found that FMP returned far fewer results for the same terms. Does it only have part of the BNA collection?

13-12-17, 21:53
If you have a British sub then it won't include the Irish newspapers. Also, the two sites' searches work differently. I sometimes do my search on the BNA site first and then on FMP when I know what I should find.

Do you want to post up your particular search criteria, and I'll have a go on both sites to investigate that specific case?

13-12-17, 22:10
Thanks for the info - I actually have a FMP World sub, since they happened to be doing an offer on it a couple of months ago.

Thanks for offering, but this particular search was a fairly simple one, and even without an active sub I was able to find what I needed just from the headlines - it was just curiosity which prompted me to run the same search on FMP, and I was surprised to get a different result. Looks like the answer is that it's still worth having the separate BNA sub, then.

13-12-17, 22:28
Not really, because you can do a free search on the BNA site and then you should be able to find each result on FMP, just maybe not with exactly the same criteria. I mean once you have the newspaper title and date from the BNA site you can be sure to get to it one way or another on FMP.

17-12-17, 19:27
Ah, thanks. Hadn't thought of that!