View Full Version : Quezada-Lainfiesta marriage - Help! ¡Necesito ayuda!

22-08-17, 20:38
I'm trying to flesh out the origins of an adoptive father on one branch of my grandson's tree. In his life in the U.S. this man went by the name Ramiro Quesada (which could just as easily be recorded elsewhere as Quezada), known to family and friends as Ray.

Now, last night my OH blurted out as he drifted off to sleep: "He always said his full name was Jose Ra-whatever-the-name-for-Raymond-is-in-Spansh Quesada Lainfiesta: Quesada for his father and Lainfiesta for his mother."

I have found a potentially very interesting marriage in 1900 in Guatemala, where we know Ray was born in 1908. The groom is Francisco Quezada, a civil servant, and we know that Ray's father worked in the embassy. The bride is Matilde Lainfiesta, and we know that Ray's older sister was named Matilda.

Of course the register is handwritten in Spanish. I have taken my best stab at transcribing and translating it. Please, I am working off of 3 years of high-school Spanish, a summer in Mexico, a course of international law taken in French, and documents I have found from time to time strewn about my father's attorney-at-law office in the corner of his bedroom. Not great credentials! So if anyone would kindly correct my idiocies and atrocities, I would be very grateful.

I will put the Spanish and the English in separate posts so that they can be compared side by side. Where I was really truly stuck you will find ??? but almost anything else could be wrong.


Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1877-1980
Guatemala > Guatemala > Matrimonios 1898-1901

filmstrip frames 536-537 of 718
(original register pages numbered 453, 454, 455)

https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/9884/004489863_00536/471342?backlabel=ReturnRecord&backurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ancestry.com%2F%2Fcgi-bin%2Fsse.dll%3F_phsrc%3DyIr441%26_phstart%3Dsucce ssSource%26usePUBJs%3Dtrue%26gss%3Dangs-g%26new%3D1%26rank%3D1%26gsln%3DLainfiesta%26gsln_ x%3DNN%26msypn__ftp%3DGuatemala%26msypn%3D5102%26m sypn_PInfo%3D3-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C5102%257C0%257C0%257C 0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26msbpn__ftp%3DGuat emala%26msbpn%3D5102%26msbpn_PInfo%3D3-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C5102%257C0%257C0%257C 0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26mssns%3DQuesada%2 6cp%3D0%26catbucket%3Drstp%26MSAV%3D1%26uidh%3D9uh %26pcat%3DROOT_CATEGORY%26h%3D471342%26dbid%3D9884 %26indiv%3D1%26ml_rpos%3D1&ssrc=&bm=true#?imageid=004489863_00538&imageId=004489863_00537

22-08-17, 20:38
- H -


- M -


??? de Setiembre de mil no-
vecientos, hago constar: que
de la Jefatura Política se
recibió à las cuatro y media
p.m. el acto que dice: El in-
frascrito Secretario de la Jefa-
tura Política del Departamen-
to de Guatemala certifica:
que para éste efecto tuvo à
la vista el acto matri-
monial que dice: “En Gua-
temala à catorce de Setiem-
bre de mil novecientos, à las
ocho de la mañana, consti-
tuídos en la casa número
veintidos de la ??? A-
venida Norte, el Señor Jefe
Político don José Tejada As-
turias, los padrinos don
Faustino Novales y doña
Angela E. de Novales, los
testigos don Pedro Antonio
Garza, don Benjamín D.
C. Meyer y don Ricardo Pe-
rez, don Alejandro Rode-
nas y el infrascrito Secre-
tario, estando presente don
Francisco Quezada, de
treinta y tres años, soltero,
empleado público, origi-
nario y vecino de ésta
capital, hijo legitímo de
don Francisco Quezada
y doña Ambrosia de Que-
zada, nieto por parte
paterna de don Mariano
Velez y doña Refugio Que-
zada y por la materna de
don Manuel Alvarez y doña
Leandra Quezada, y la Señori-
ta Matilde Lainfiesta, de
veinticinco años de edad, sol-
tera, originaria y vecina
de ésta capital, de oficios
propios de su sexo, hija
legítima del ??? don Fran-
cisco Lainfiesta y de doña
Luz Marure, siendo sus a-
buelos paternos don Fran-
cisco Lainfiesta y doña Eu-
logia Torres y los maternos
don Alejandro Marure y
doña Fadea Saravía; por
ser el día y hora señala-
dos para su enlace, se pro-
sedió à efectuarlo de la
manera que sigua: = 1º Se
les leyó el escrito que enca-
beza éstas diligencias y
ambos contrayentes lo rati-
ficaron sin modifica-
ción alguna = 2º Habiendo el
Señor Jefe preguntado à ca-
da uno de aquellos por se-
parado si es su voluntad
unirse en matrimonio, am-
bos contestaron afirmativa-
mente. 3º Les fueron leídos
los artículos 119, 148, 149, 150
y 152 del Código Civil, de-
clarándolos el propio Señor
Jefe Político en nombre
de la ley legítimamente
unidos en matrimonio,
despues de lo cual les leyó la
alocución inserta en el artícu-
lo 7º del acuerdo Gubernativo
de 9 de Octubre de mil ocho-
cientos ochenta y tres. 4º Con-
cluido el acto, firman con
el Señor Jefe los contrayentes,
padrinos y testigos = J.F. Teja-
da Asturias = Matilde Lainfies-
ta = José Francisco Quezada =
Angela ??? de Novales =
Faustino Novales = Ricardo
Perez = Pedro Antonio Garza =
Alejandro Rodenas = Certifica-
dos. Fuentes A = Serio Específico”. =
??? para remitirla al Registro
Civil, extiendo la presente en
Guatemala, à veinticinco
de Setiembre de mil nova-
cientos A. Romero B = Es au-
téntica = Tejada Asturias =
Certó??? el sello respectivo, con
lo que terminó la presente
que firmó con les testigos
de ley. Doy fé.
Felix Solozeano
R. Morales
El Depositario
Partida Nº 163,
En Guatemala à vein-
tinueve de Setiembre de
mil novecientos, hago

22-08-17, 20:39
- Groom -


- Bride -


??? of September 1900,
I observe: that
the Political Administration
received at 4:30 p.m.
a notice saying: The
undersigned Secretary of the Political
Administration of the Department
of Guatemala certifies:
that by these effects were
seen the marriage act
that says: “In Guatemala
the 14th of September 1900, at
8 o’clock in the morning,
were gathered??? in number
22, ??? Avenue North, Senior
Political Chief don José Tejada
Asturias, the sponsors don
Faustino Novales and doña
Angela E. de Novales, the
witnesses don Pedro Antonio
Garza, don Benjamín D.
C. Meyer and don Ricardo Pe-
rez, don Alejandro Rode-
nas and the undersigned Secre-
tary, in the presence of don
Francisco Quezada,
33 years, bachelor,
civil servant, born and residing
in this capital, legitimate son of
don Francisco Quezada
and doña Ambrosia de Que-
zada, whose paternal grandparents
are don Mariano
Velez and doña Refugio Que-
zada and whose maternal
grandparents are
don Manuel Alvarez and doña
Leandra Quezada, and Señori-
ta Matilde Lainfiesta,
25 years of age, spinster,
born and residing
in this capital, ??? de oficios
propios de su sexo, ???
legitimate daughter of ??? don
Francisco Lainfiesta and of doña
Luz Marure, her paternal grandparents
being don Francisco Lainfiesta
and doña Eulogia Torres and
her maternal grandparents being
don Alejandro Marure and
doña Fadea Saravía; it being
the appointed day and hour for
their joining, this was carried out
in the following manner: = 1º They
were read the notices at the
head of these proceedings and
both parties accepted them
without any modification = 2º The
Senior Chief having asked each
of them individually if it was their desire
to be united in marriage, both
answered in the affirmative.
3º They were read articles 119, 148, 149, 150
and 152 of the Civil Code, the Senior
Politial Chief declaring them in
the name of the law legally
united in marriage,
after which he read them the
pronouncement inserted in
Article 7 of the Governmental Accord
of 9 October 1883. 4º The act once
concluded, along with the Senior Chief
did sign the parties, their
sponsors and witnesses = J.F. Tejada Asturias
= Matilde Lainfiesta = José Francisco Quezada =
Angela ??? de Novales =
Faustino Novales = Ricardo
Perez = Pedro Antonio Garza =
Alejandro Rodenas = Certificates.
Fuentes A = Specific Series. =
??? to remit this to the Civil
Register, extending the present
throughout??? Guatemala, the 25th
of September 1900 A. Romero B + It
is authentic = Tejada Asturias-
Applied? the respective seal, upon
which was concluded the present
which I sign along with the legal witnesses.
I swear.
Felix Solozeano
R. Morales
El Depositario
Part Nº 163,
In Guatemala the 29th
of September 1900,
I execute.

23-08-17, 01:33
Well, having sifted through all this I think the main things I need to know are these names. Am I losing the plot, or has the groom's name been given as Francisco Quezada initially, and then again as José Francisco Quezada when he signs?

Political Chief
don José Tejada Asturias

Francisco Quezada, 33, bachelor, civil servant, born and residing in Guatemala capital

groom’s father
Francisco Quezada

groom’s mother
Ambrosia de Quezada

groom’s paternal grandparents
don Mariano Velez
doña Refugio Quezada

groom’s maternal grandparents
don Manuel Alvarez
doña Leandra Quezada

Matilde Lainfiesta, 25, spinster, born and residing in Guatemala capital

bride’s father
don Francisco Lainfiesta

bride’s mother
doña Luz Marure

bride’s paternal grandparents
don Francisco Lainfiesta
doña Eulogia Torres

bride’s maternal grandparents
don Alejandro Marure
doña Fadea Saravía

don Faustino Novales
doña Angela E. de Novales

don Pedro Antonio Garza
don Benjamín D. C. Meyer
don Ricardo Perez
don Alejandro Rodenas

Senior Chief J.F. Tejada Asturias
Bride Matilde Lainfiesta
Groom José Francisco Quezada
Sponsor Angela ??? de Novales
Sponsor Faustino Novales
Witness Ricardo Perez
Witness Pedro Antonio Garza
Witness Alejandro Rodenas

I don’t know what to make of the below.
Fuentes A = Specific Series. =
A. Romero B

These are just the names of some officials??
I swear.
Felix Solozeano
R. Morales
El Depositario

23-08-17, 08:23
Am I losing the plot, or has the groom's name been given as Francisco Quezada initially, and then again as José Francisco Quezada when he signs?

Could be he was known by his middle name.

23-08-17, 16:50
Thanks, Kite. It does seem likely. When he came to sign the register I guess he used all his names. Now the question remains whether this is the right set of parents for Ray Quesada.

Mary from Italy
23-08-17, 23:38
In the context of RC marriages, I think the padrinos are the sponsors.

24-08-17, 02:02
Thanks, Mary. That sounds better.

EDIT: Fixed that now.