View Full Version : Best research sites.

24-09-16, 00:58
I haven't got any paid subs at the moment. My favourite for ages was The Genealogist as I got all the non-con certs and wills long before Ancestry had them, and I prefer their census transcriptions.

But.....I've done most of the ones I can think of now. What I'm looking for is either a site that has early PRs prior to about 1750. I need Bristol, London area and Yorkshire. I'd like to find more Lancs ones, but as they are not on Lancs. OPC site, I doubt they are anywhere.

I've given up on Ireland and Germany/ Denmark and Scotland. They just do my head in.

Any ideas. I can afford one site or a few credits for a couple.

24-09-16, 04:36
Ancestry has a lot of early West Yorkshire PRs and images. I think they have London too but I'm not back that far.

Familysearch has some books with PR transcriptions, you just need to search each parish, it is variable.

FMP have yorkshire as well but not many, if any images, although it is more coverage of Yorkshire in general.

24-09-16, 09:59
Yes, Ancestry has the London ones (also a lot of Lancashire, including some which are not on the Lancashire OPC site), and there is no site with the Bristol PR's yet.

Sue from Southend
24-09-16, 12:26
Do you know where in London? FMP have Westminster PRs and Ancestry have most of the rest of the capital.....

24-09-16, 22:18
Do you know where in London? FMP have Westminster PRs and Ancestry have most of the rest of the capital.....

I don't even know if it's London.

I'm trying to find where the Ariels originated. I have PRs for Bristol from 1740s and back to approximately 1720 (from burial).
There are some Ariels in London area around that time in the same industry (shipping/trading). There are also Ariell (double L) in Yorkshire.

I can't connect the three groups, although I feel certain at least the London ones are mine. My Ariels had no trouble moving around the country to find wives so they could have family anywhere.

I'd also like to track my Huband family. William Huband (born 1788, family from Warwickshire area forever) married in Devon. He was a marine and I have the family from there back. One of his sons, also William, is in Poplar area in the census right through till his death, but he has several children I haven't done a lot with. So that would be late 1800s/early 1900s till now.

Val in Oz
25-09-16, 02:06
If he was a marine Libby he may have served on board ships as there were plenty of sea battles going on at that particular time.
Maybe the UK National Archives have something about him. Have you looked on their website? I found quite a few references to our naval and army ancestors there.

25-09-16, 11:43
Val....I have his records. I got them from Kevin Asplin a while ago. It's his son, also William, I want to bring forward. I have the census of his life and then most of his childrens' marriages but then it then gets into the time after the 1911 census.

It's purely for my interest in that one as I'd love to see if any came here to Australia.