View Full Version : Wealthy landowners census

13-04-16, 15:32
searching my dunford family tree found they were on the 1273 census of wealthy landowners of england .then again in 1274.then again in 1636.now was a census runevery year to find the wealthy landowners in england .i have been told they done this to be able to tax them for ship money.are these records kept .if so we could trace some of our familys who were farmers and landowners.

13-04-16, 15:40
I think you may be talking about the 13th century "Hundred Rolls" - information on Wikipedia:

but I'm not sure what the 1636 one is.

14-04-16, 09:32
1636 Ship money?

Lots of taxation records in E179 at TNA, covering pre Commonwealth England. Court of Requests another good source where I find my jumped-up tudor ancestors.