View Full Version : 440 Battery 127LAA Regiment Royal Artillery

Olde Crone
20-02-16, 21:15
I've just been sorting through some papers left by my late father who died 15 years ago. They were in a box labelled (by me!) "too boring to look at now".

Hmm! They contain a folder listing every man in the above regiment and what happened to them, with a few personal observations about them. The regiment served in Arromanches for a while, but mostly saw service in the UK. Also involved in the Mulberry landings of course. Also a lot of newspaper cuttings and an article published in France many years after the war.

I don't know what to do with them. It seems sacrilege to just throw this stuff away but no-one in the family will want them and I really do need to thin out a lot of paper before I am buried underneath it all.

Suggestions please.


anne fraser
20-02-16, 21:42
I wonder if it is worth contacting the Imperial war museum to see if they are interested or they know someone who might be.

20-02-16, 22:09
Or you could contact the Royal Artillery Museum:

20-02-16, 22:15
Don't chuck the records, OC. You could donate them to the Royal Artillery museum/library. Some info here: http://firepower.org.uk/do-your-own-research/

EDIT: Snap, Kate.

Olde Crone
20-02-16, 22:37
Thankyou all. I'll have a look at that tomorrow. What a relief to discover that someone wants it all. There are quite a few anecdotes attached and some correspondence with surviving members of the company in the 1990s. Someone might be interested!