View Full Version : Ancestry hints

20-12-15, 15:51
When you get a hint on ancestry and it says the person is in several other people's tree how do you discard the wrong ones?

I've just looked at a hint and 11 out of the 12 family trees have no connection but one does - so I don't want to ignore that one but would like to for the other 11.

I know you can tick a box but then what happens - I don't want to merge info.

I'm fed up of the same hints coming up when I know they aren't mine.

20-12-15, 16:20
Click on the leaf on the top toolbar, then on the person;s name for whom the hint appears, if it is a record you will get a "Review" and "Ignore" button. "ignore" will male it go away from your hints, you can review by looking at the record then choosing Yes, No or Maybe.

20-12-15, 17:43
I can't seem to do that with hint to multiple trees though Jill.

I don't want to ignore all the trees just 10 of them but keep the 1 tree hint and 1 maybe.

20-12-15, 22:41
Click on Review button, This will bring up a list of all the trees. Then click on the little box on the top left of the tree you want, next to the tree name. Then click on "review selected tree hints" This will bring up all the details of the person parents, spouse and children. Accept what info you want, the click on Save to your tree. The details of that tree will be kept and all others ignored.