View Full Version : 1939 Register Date of Birth Search

13-11-15, 13:41
Like some other forum members, I thought the 1939 Register would not throw up much new information for me - how wrong I was :)

One of the things I have been attempting is to find exact dates of birth for those close relatives for whom I did not have a birth cert, just the BMD index entry. I have been surprised at how many of those I have found were registered in the quarter following the one in which they were born. I know that the births should have been registered within 6 weeks of birth but some are a tad more than that. Anyway, it was something I found interesting.

Back to the main point of this post. Has anyone any better & quicker way of searching for a DoB that is different from my method?

I find the person then do a search just on that person with the year +/- 0. This ensures I have the right person on screen. I then try the months, one by one, starting with the quarter in which the birth registration was made and working backwards. After I get a hit on the correct month I start on the day. This gets a bit laborious as it has often been the final number I have entered. I have tried using wild cards * and ? for one of the digits e.g. 1* to find numbers in the 10s or 2* for numbers in the 20s but the search does not seem to like this way of narrowing down the day.

Has anyone found a better way? It would be interesting to know what other people have tried.


13-11-15, 14:05
That's how I do it too, Pat, though of course we can't be sure the dob has been transcribed correctly without viewing the image.

13-11-15, 14:31
I've not found another way either. I've just searched the dobs for about 30 people listed on the same page and so far I've not found one correct date (ie a date that in any way matches their actual birthday or birth registration period) - so much for accurate transcribing!!

My father was registered about 10 weeks after his birth (I have the cert, obviously!).

13-11-15, 17:27
I found a year of birth wrong - He was born in 1909 and on the index it was 1902.

I haven't looked at any yet as most of the people I need are in Scotland.