View Full Version : Newspapers

27-10-15, 22:55
Does anyone know if there are English newspapers available online (similar to Trove in Australia).

I'm looking for between 1920ish and 1945ish.


27-10-15, 23:11
You can find newspaper extracts on FindMyPast, though not in the sense of having entire newspapers up for you to browse through.

27-10-15, 23:16
Not free like Trove Libby. Not that I've found.

If you are a member of a library you could possibly access the gale papers through a library membership. Failing that the National library membership will also give you access. I don't think they have more UK newspapers than gale though.

27-10-15, 23:22
Thanks James......nothing there I'm looking for.

Toni.....I didn't think Gale went that recent. I'll go back and check.

28-10-15, 01:37
Silly me. I forgot the local library database. The have three papers up to 2012.

28-10-15, 06:13
What local library database is that, Libby?

28-10-15, 08:04
My daughter's local library here in Australia, Merry. It's Logan Council Library.

28-10-15, 08:27
lol So you can get them in Oz but not here in the UK?!!

28-10-15, 11:11
Something like that Merry.

Just checked......there is...
The Times Digital Archive 1785 - 1985
The Independent...every issue until the end of 2012
The Daily Mail 1896 - 2014

They also have the Gale British Newspapers, The Burney Collection and The Library Press Display.

28-10-15, 11:13
The Independent...every issue until the end of 2012
The Daily Mail 1896 - 2014

I don't think we can get the above here (not that I would usually read the DM!). Can overseas people get membership?

28-10-15, 11:26
I've no idea. Let me look on the National Library site. Back soon.

28-10-15, 11:35
You can't join the NLA unless you are a resident here. I very much doubt the Council library will be any different, but I will ask them. You can join as a traveller, but I don't think that is what you need.

I'll let you know when I find out.

28-10-15, 12:19
lol Thanks Libby. I belong to four or five different 'local' UK library sites, but none of them have the papers you mentioned.

Sue from Southend
28-10-15, 12:31
Merry, I can access The Times digital archive and The Observer/ Guardian 1791-2003 through Essex Libraries and the database "Newsbank" has the FT, Times, Sunday Times and The Sun 1980ish to current. It looks as though you can get loads of local papers too. All through Essex Libraries http://www.essex.gov.uk/Libraries-Archives/Libraries/information/Pages/Reference-library-online.aspx
You need to hold a current library card to access them though. Have you looked under Reference on your library's website?

Sue from Southend
28-10-15, 12:34
Just looked at Dorset's library website - they have Newsbank and The Times Digital archive too!

28-10-15, 12:46
I belong to Bournemouth Library and that has NewsVault (which doesn't work), Artemis Primary Sources (which I've not tried out), The Times Digital Archive and 19th Century British Newspapers.

I also belong to Manchester Library which has The (Manchester) Guardian and The Observer.

Also Lancashire Digital Library which has some of the above plus the Burney Collection 17th-18th Century Newspapers and Newsbank.

It sounds like Essex Libraries has a good range!

Sue from Southend
28-10-15, 13:36
Merry, I just checked Bournemouth Library's website and they have Newsbank too. In the section labelled Cyber Library on the Home Page.

28-10-15, 15:57
Merry, I just checked Bournemouth Library's website and they have Newsbank too. In the section labelled Cyber Library on the Home Page.

lol, so not with the other papers! Thanks Sue, I probably hadn't looked at that page for a few years.

28-10-15, 20:19
I don't think we can get the above here (not that I would usually read the DM!). Can overseas people get membership?

Merry, from looking at the DM, I assume it's what we call a trash rag....... However, they are often good for gossip type stories about rellies. They sometimes name the people as well, when other "better" papers don't.

29-10-15, 06:53
I'm not sure I have any relatives important enough to be gossiped about by the DM!

Sorry if I rather took over your thread Libby :o