View Full Version : Beware newspaper death notices

09-09-15, 11:42
I was reading a death notice in the paper this week for someone I used to know. It listed the wife, sister, brother and wife, children and then grandchildren.

I was surprised to see 6 grandchildren as I only knew of 4 but figured I'd not been told about the last 2.

I asked someone who knew the deceased and was informed that the last 2 grandchildren were dogs.

Olde Crone
09-09-15, 11:58

My great grandfather was a big fish in a little pond and when he died, he merited a half page obituary in the local rag.

It mentioned that he was survived by his two sisters. He never had a sister, he had two sisters-in-law who were living with him when he died.


09-09-15, 13:39
Read it in the paper so it must be true -same goes for the internet!

10-09-15, 07:23
OC that's at least close.

Jill that is so true.

I have to admit to going to a funeral a few years ago and all the (adult) grandchildren got up to speak as a group. Now I knew all the grandkids so was a bit surprised when there was an extra one. An elderly aunt of the family was more than happy to supply answers afterwards.

Janet in Yorkshire
11-09-15, 12:25
At least it was the paper that got it wrong.
I went to the funeral of an old friend of my mother. It was only when the family members came in and I didn't recognise any of them that I realised I was in the wrong church.:o
I felt compelled to sit it out as trying to leave could have been taken as disrespectful to the deceased and family.
I bid a hasty retreat at the end and later wrote a letter to the daughter of Mum's friend, apologising for not attending, having been delayed by getting lost en route.


11-09-15, 13:34
At least it was the paper that got it wrong.

Not in my case. I believe the paper was given the names and someone in the family included the dogs. :rolleyes: