View Full Version : London's Lost Graveyard - The Crossrail Discovery

22-07-15, 21:15
Just watched this TV documentary. I think it was first broadcast on Monday on Channel 4.

Fascinating insight into what has been revealed excavating and studying some of the 20,000 burials in the Bethel graveyard in the City of London. Particularly impressed by the volunteers combing through London's 17th century parish records to compile a database of those sent for burial in Bethel.

Olde Crone
22-07-15, 21:31

I was so disappointed by this programme which, in my opinion, had far too much padding. I was beyond irritated by the "dramatic black and white" re enactment of people in modern clothes falling down dead in the street and suchlike. Presumably in case we are all too stupid to imagine what dropping dead might look like.

When will programme makers realise that quite a lot of us are actually interested in historical discoveries and don't need them tarted up to hold our interest.


22-07-15, 21:40
It annoyed me too, OC. I didn't like the way it was presented at all. Such a shame.

22-07-15, 21:42
The re-enactments were silly. I watched on catch-up, so skipped those bits.

22-07-15, 21:59
I'm sending them my medical bill for RSI treatment to my index finger - constantly needed to get past the slo-mo black & white sequences !! And I do not need reminding what happened in the previous segment after each commercial break either.

The BBC still do these things so much better (e.g. the documentary about slavery - going to watch the second half of that later).

I really do sound like my Dad these days :)

Olde Crone
22-07-15, 22:19

Um...not over-impressed by the slavery programme either!

OC (grumpy over-critical old woman)

22-07-15, 23:07

Um...not over-impressed by the slavery programme either!

OC (grumpy over-critical old woman)

Perhaps we could get some badges made :d

At least David Olusoga has achieved part of what he set out to in that I am now aware of what it took to get slavery abolished here. I do agree that there's an airbrushing affect that you don't get on the other side of the Atlantic. The overall impression is more upsetting, but less irritating.