View Full Version : So near and yet so far

14-02-14, 22:42
A long time ago I found a book snippet stating the possible death of one of my relatives, I was reasonable certain it was him though. With the new India records I am now sure it is him, although I can't find his death, the birth of his youngest child confirms it.

Having a look at the wills also online I found one written by a man of the same first and last names, no middle name mentioned. It was made within a month of when my ancestor died and proven a week after he died so it looked very positive for being mine.

The only problem is the man's wife's name is wrong. What are the odds of that happening? :(

14-02-14, 22:46
Not very likely her name would be wrong, but are you sure he didn't marry more than once?

15-02-14, 01:45
The wife remarries as a widow about 3 years later. Unless divorce was possible in 1830's India.

The only slight loophole it that all the documents are written out but someone else. The wills are not the originals but what was a copy for the court.

I have no idea if my person was wealthy or not, it's just a very large co-incidence.

15-02-14, 08:52
I take it you've checked for another death in the same name, Toni?

15-02-14, 08:54
Also, is the "wrong" wife's name one that could be a mistranscription of the right one? I just remembered that the copied-out version of my 2xg-grandfather's will calls one of his grandchildren Herbert when it should be Hubert and I assume it was a mistranscription.

15-02-14, 12:51
In the PCC copy will for one of my relatives his wife is recorded as Thomas in the main text of the will (more than once lol). The probate part gives her name as Frances which is correct.

15-02-14, 22:16
I can't find a death for my man at all, only what was reported in the Asiatic Journal. I will recheck as I'd like to know why he died.

The wives names are Eliza and Mary Ann so not a transcription error.

The wife is not the executor so is not mentioned in the probate part. It actually took about 3 goes in the will to call her anything but my wife.

I'll keep searching the wills though as maybe my man's will did not go through probate immediately. There is definitely no will in his full name though.