View Full Version : Will finds

05-02-14, 11:02
I'm working my way through some parishes looking at wills trying to pick some clues and have found my many times great uncle John Harding in the will of Ann House otherwise Houes of Bix, Oxfordshire. She became acquainted with him some thirty years before her 1801 will and began cohabiting with him under the promise of marriage and was still with him at the time of writing but was leaving the money she brought to the household to her son.

Delightful stuff!

Olde Crone
05-02-14, 11:25

Hmm, though - I wonder if the long engagement was actually her idea because she stood to keep control of her own money that way.


05-02-14, 13:14
I'd like to think that was the case! There was a license apparently. I need to go back to his will now because I'm sure there's no reference to Ann or her son.