View Full Version : A real mind blowing experience just happened

Glen TK
28-11-13, 22:18
I joined a group on facebook a while ago and got chatting to a lady called Katie whose father witnessed a Lancaster crash in Lincoln many years ago, all but one of the aircrew perished.

She put a lot of effort into discovering more about the incident and asked me to look into some of the family stuff, come the anniversary of the accident "Katie's Boys" were remembered by members of the group.

Katie also has a fascination with a grave in Lincoln of the Beechey family, a tragic story about a family who lost five sons in WWI. Recently she noticed some damage to the grave and left a note on it asking for help to replace a small cross with a photograph of one of the sons, when she went back a few weeks later she found the cross had been replaced, (by persons unknown) to match those of the other sons.

Find a grave has some fantastic information about the sons

The Lincs Regiment website also has some information

I've spoken with Katie a few times on the phone and we have talked about strange co-incedences and mentioned how the same little things seem to attract us and always lead to something in my family tree but the number of times it's happening recently is unbelievable.

She posted a comment on facebook today and I happened to look at my tree, a daughter of the Beechey family married my great uncle. I'm sat here shaking like a leaf at the story and the circumstances of how it has come about.

29-11-13, 06:37
Glen I just got goosebumps .. Cheers. Julie

29-11-13, 07:41
The Beechey family were freinds of my husbands mother

29-11-13, 07:56
The Beechey family were friends of my husbands mothers.
She was great friends with the Emily, they went to literature classes together.

Glen TK
29-11-13, 10:24
It's been a staggering few months with discoveries, most of them coming about through contacting people to do with one part of my tree to then find they link to another as well, or as above, finding common interests with someone which lead to us both discovering things, I managed to reunite Katie with an old friend and now through her fascination with the grave and a chance post I find I have a link to the family. I have a feeling that there are a few more things we might teach each other in future, it seems our interests in history and where it roams will lead to something else.

06-12-13, 10:30
Hope all goes well Glen. Cheers. Julie

Glen TK
07-12-13, 23:51
Cert arrived and I finally got home, it's a match so the Beechey family are part of my tree, both mothers were witnesses so that's a bonus.

Reading through the book "Brothers in War" the marriage took place at a busy time with the lads in the trenches, several letters date to about the time of the marriage so Amy Beechey was kept busy putting together the items her sons were asking for.