View Full Version : Sharing my excitement.

10-09-13, 02:52
Sitting beside me is the original mortgage papers belonging to 3 of OH's rellies from 1840. It has 4 seals, 1 blue and 3 red all still intact, signatures beside the red seals and is in very good condition.

It arrived today from the UK, made it through customs unopened, which is a big relief and I am so excited.

It is a huge document, almost a metre wide and is 5 pages long and the writing looks wonderful and legible.

OH is not so excited and no one else will care so I'm sharing here.

10-09-13, 05:36
It's a long time since I viewed any original documents - and to actually have them at home - wonderful! I bet you read through a few times straight away :)

10-09-13, 06:18
Wow, Toni! Very impressive and I'm very envious.

10-09-13, 06:28
lol! Just ignore your OH!!

How fantastic to have got hold of such a wonderful document!!

Rosie Knees
10-09-13, 13:19
I'm very envious! How on earth did you track down those?

11-09-13, 03:24
There is a website Family Deeds and they had the document. They also have transcriptions of documents that they have sold. I was actually looking for someone else but their surname was the middle name of one of the parties to the mortgage and it came up. :)

11-09-13, 06:58
Fantastic! Photos?

13-09-13, 04:00
It's huge Gwynne. I have no idea how to scan it.

This is the picture from the website:

family deeds (http://www.familydeeds.org/SK102.php)

14-09-13, 05:23

14-09-13, 08:10
Yes, OH was rather impressed when he saw it.

It's made of vellum, I've not come across it before. I'd like to open it up and store it flat but I have no idea where I could put it safely. I need a new room just for my storage.