View Full Version : Oxfordshire wills help

20-07-13, 20:45
I've downloaded a lot of wills from Origins and they are in TIFF form (which means nothing to me) - where there are multiple pages, I don't know what I can do to divide them up and store them as separate images.

Can anyone understand what I'm trying to ask and tell me what to do please:)

20-07-13, 20:52
David, I had the same problem.

The only way I found round it was to print the document and then scan and save each individual page to my computer.

20-07-13, 21:20
It's a real pain isn't it? I need some help with a surname so I'll have to do that:)

20-07-13, 21:33
Can anyone see what the surname is here in "Ann ----- the wife of my son in law Joseph -----"

I've got an idea but I expect it's best not to say:-)

20-07-13, 21:56
Percie? Are there any matching capital letters?

20-07-13, 22:16
Can't read the thumbnail, but I think I've opened TIFF images using Adobe Photoshop.

20-07-13, 23:27
Ah thanks Kate - I was going along the lines of Cerne or something - I'll see if I can find any matching capitals tomorrow.

Thanks Shona - have to admit to being a lot clueless with these things but I'll have an explore ;-)

21-07-13, 03:30
I'm sure Photoshop would open a TIFF file, but you shouldn't need it. You should be able to open TIFF files using Paint and then "Save As..." a JPEG file if that's what you prefer.

You can either right-click on the TIFF and say "Open with..." then choose Paint from the list (first graphic below); or, you could open Paint first, then navigate to the file you want to open. Keep an eye on the drop-down list next to the file name when you open a file. (Second graphic below.) If it doesn't say either "TIFF" or "All picture files" or "All files" then Paint won't be able to see the file you want to open.

If you have a series of pages that you want to store separately, then I think I would try right-clicking on each one and using the "Save As..." function, changing the file format from TIFF to JPEG. Be sure to choose the file type you want each time. You'll probably have to change it from TIFF to JPEG on every file.

21-07-13, 03:43
The same name is in there three times that I can see, in case that helps anyone with a better eye than mine!


21-07-13, 06:47
Thanks for your help Janet but that doesn't work for me - whatever way I open it, I end up with the first page and no option to move to the second :s

I can't find another capital P but there is a C and it's different, so I think Kate might be right. I need to get to the PRs for the area again.

21-07-13, 07:47
FS has a marriage for an Anne to a Joseph Peirce about 15 miles away...

21-07-13, 08:14
There seems to be an "i" there as a dot appears over the letters.
Kate could well be right. The biggest decision is what the capital letter is.

David, which parish or parishes are you looking at in Oxfordshire?

21-07-13, 08:18
This family were Rotherfield Greys and Bix - not your bit I don't think :) - there seems to be a crossing over into Berks with some of them too

22-07-13, 02:37
You could try the Snipping Tool in the Accessories. Or else maybe the Print Screen function ("Prnt Scrn" on my keyboard). Get the image on screen and press the Prnt Scrn key. That captures the screen image. Then go to a blank Paint file and Paste. If you want to capture just the one active window, hold down the Alt key while you press Prnt Scrn.

22-07-13, 16:12
Thanks Janet - I'll give that a go

23-07-13, 02:51
Hope it works!

24-07-13, 05:23
Janet - thank you very much - the print screen thing works. Just took me a while to suss it out! :)

24-07-13, 14:51