View Full Version : Buried at sea?

16-04-13, 11:38
Gave up with this, so nothing added to BK6

If a ship was in dock/harbour and a crew member died what would they do with the body?

I'm typing this on my phone at mum's whilst waiting hours for a Dr, so I don't have access to any info, but yesterday I saw a report in the papers about the accidental shooting of Midshipman D S McCreary in Jan/Feb 1808 on HMS Eclipse in Portsmouth harbour. i wondered if this coupl be my missing David McCrery who was busy sailing the seven seas in 1792 when his father wrote his will. Dad didn't know if he was alive or dead. How old might a midshipmn be though? My David would be about mid 40s at that date. if anyone can find a report including a first nae or age that might help, or anything else for that matter! I wondered if this DS McCreary might have been buried in Portsmouth (with his age recorded!)

16-04-13, 11:39
I meant mid 40s in 1808.

16-04-13, 11:43
Wikipedia says that "By the Napoleonic era (1793–1815), a midshipman was an apprentice officer who had previously served at least three years as a volunteer, officer's servant or able seaman, and was roughly equivalent to a present day petty officer in rank and responsibilities. After serving at least three years as a midshipman or master's mate, he was eligible to take the examination for lieutenant. Promotion to lieutenant was not automatic and many midshipmen took positions as master's mates for an increase in pay and responsibility aboard ship."

It seems unlikely that he would still have been a midshipman in his 40's.

I don't think the body would be buried at sea if the ship was in harbour; I would have thought he would be buried in a graveyard.

16-04-13, 11:53
Thanks Kate. All you say is what I thought, but googling on my phone causes it problems! These McCrery's are driving me crazy. Never mind, I will probably pass out from hunger soon as I've been here about seven hours on one glass of water so far.

16-04-13, 11:55
Hope the doctor hurries up.

16-04-13, 11:56
Merry, I can't find anything on this although I have looked at newspapers and burials.

I do hope your Mum and you are OK. You have been waiting a long time.

16-04-13, 12:04
I probably could have taken her to the surgery, but she was in a bad way when I phoned them and of course I didn't know what would transpire. It is all very draining and difficult to coordinate as she is always worse if I have plans or appointments etc. My own Dr's appointment keeps having to be cancelled!!!

Thanks for looking for me, both of you.

16-04-13, 18:53
If it gives a ship, then the crewlists will give his age.

16-04-13, 18:55
If it gives a ship, then the crewlists will give his age.

Well there's no chance whatsoever of me going anywhere to look at a crew list!!! I must have a look at my Hampshire Burial CD, but at the moment I can't even leave the room to do that.

For normal people your idea would be a good one though, Phoenix. Thanks.

16-04-13, 18:59
I'm a bit too busy to get to TNA at the moment, but I shall do so in the future....

16-04-13, 19:03
Let me look at the burials first, Phoenix, as it's likely it's not the right man!! Thanks though.

16-04-13, 19:47
No hope for the sailor, but hope your mum is okay.

16-04-13, 22:01
lol Jess re sailor!

Thanks - things are just at a very variable stage at the moment. We have had three lots of paramedics out in the last five weeks and all this leaping out of bed at odd hours to go crashing round to her flat is emotionally exhausting as well as physically. I go in once or twice most days, sometimes more and never know what I will find from one time to the next. Phoning is still an option, but it's very difficult to make an informed assessment on the phone so nine times out of ten I have to go round there anyway. She is here tonight as she had another early morning funny turn - don't know what tomorrow will bring. She still thinks it's helpful not to tell me anything (if she can remember) so I have to jiggle info out of her. Hope she has a good night as I now have a migraine so need to stop typing! I hope your mum was "OK" for her birthday. (((((hugs)))))

16-04-13, 22:05
Hope you both have a good night, Merry.

16-04-13, 22:09
Merry, I hope you all have a much better night and that the migraine clears up fast.

17-04-13, 05:57
The migraine has gone which is unusual as for me they usually go on for about 24 hours. *touches wood it's over* I can hear mum snoring, so that's excellent!

I discovered last night that she hadn't taken her tablets the night before which may have been at least partly why she wasn't right yesterday (couldn't believe I didn't check before!). Made me think, it must have been even more of a nightmare before a cocktail of drugs was available to help people. I couldn't cope with yesterday every day.

17-04-13, 09:50
So sorry to hear about your Mum Merry. Sometimes day seem extra long.
I do hope things are easier for you today. Julie

17-04-13, 11:21
Thanks Julie.

I just looked at my Hampshire Burial Index CD, but there were no entries that looked like they could be for D S McCreary. I still think Kate is right and he probably isn't mine.

Joy Dean
22-04-13, 21:19
Hope your Mum and you are "okay".

23-04-13, 05:36
Thanks Joy.

23-04-13, 07:25
((Hugs back)), Merry, you go twice, I go 5 times! fortuntely I can walk there in my sleep!

Does she have a chemist packet dosset?they are really helpful- you can see what has and hasn't been taken, and they are a good reminder too- visual aid!

23-04-13, 12:10
Visual aids probably won't help as she is blind (or virtually). I couldn't cope with going five times a day - I don't know how you manage.

23-04-13, 15:35
Visual aids probably won't help as she is blind (or virtually). I couldn't cope with going five times a day - I don't know how you manage.

Lets put it like this - I'm wearing out Bell Lane!:d