View Full Version : Warwickshire PRs - ancestry

03-07-12, 08:20
Ancestry has updated its Warwickshire parish records.

I'm not sure to what extent - I 'm off to have a look.

Mary from Italy
03-07-12, 11:32
I was hoping that might have added Birmingham and the rest of Coventry, but no luck. Anyone know what they've added?

03-07-12, 11:44
Well, I can't tell what they have added. I too was hoping for Birmingham records.

03-07-12, 12:27
The databases say: except for Birmingham records, which are not included

which is very sad.

Sue from Southend
03-07-12, 16:02
Ancestry have a very irritating habit of telling us that they've updated records but not giving details. I'm beginning to wonder if it's ruse to get us using the website because I can never work out what new stuff has been added :rolleyes:

07-10-16, 19:06
These have just been updated again but I don't know what has been added.