View Full Version : Burgess - Information required

16-05-12, 02:47
I visited the local library the other day to look up on Ancestry, some threads of my apparent family - which goes Charles Burgess (b 1814 Middlesex) down to William Charles Burgess (b 1852 Charlton Kings, Glos) to my grandfather James Wiliam Burgess B 1880 b Wirrabara in Australia.

Apparently I am not allowed to see this information or else I was looking in the wrong place. I guess it must be a sort of forum - just not sure.

Can anyone suggest how I may be able to see this information - I believe there is a group photo of my grandfather and his siblings and mother. I do have the photo, but no idea who put it up in Ancestry.

16-05-12, 03:09
Have you looked on Mundia, Jood? I see a number of trees there including some with photos of your grandfather. The one I looked at had the family group photo too. The photos were originally posted by someone with Ancestry user name kgibbney. See if this link works for you.
http://community.ancestry.com/profile.aspx?mba=01586c18-0002-0000-0000-000000000000&rurl=http%3a%2f%2fboards.ancestry.com%2fauthorpost s.aspx%3funame%3dkgibbney%26uid%3d01586c18-0002-0000-0000-000000000000%26uem%3d%26rurl%3dhttp%253A%252F%252F boards.ancestry.com%252Fthread.aspx%253Fmv%253Dfla t%2526m%253D185%2526p%253Dlocalities.oceania.austr alia.vic.buninyong

Do you have Ancestry? No, I guess not. That's why you were at the library. You should be able to view Mundia regardless.

16-05-12, 03:42
Fancy meeting you here Janet! lol

The KGibbney is not a blood relative - My mum's sister married a Gibbney, and I have cousins, but KGibbney is far removed. I understood there were several other people researching Burgess.

I got into her namepage (or his) but didn't venture further, as I think this person puts anyone and everyone in her tree. Actually I can't get further into KGibbney's name as I am not an Ancestry member.

That photo I was talking about - has typing up the top - I was the one who typed that out - so am just curious of course.

I'll try Mundia - thanks.

I have tried and they want me to export my tree. I really only want to look at the Burgess name that's already there :( i do have the info, I've probably been doing it longer than the other rellies, just wanted to make sure they had it right.

16-05-12, 05:05
You mean this one?

Ancestry says:
sandy894 originally submitted this to Albany Bracknell Family Tree

Can you get into this?

Trees on Ancestry with your grandfather's exact name and DOB:

Forder Family Tree
Owner: kerryshayne
4 attached records, 5 sources photos
James William Burgess
BIRTH: 25 Nov 1880 - Australia
DEATH: 3 Dec 1945 - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
MARRIAGE: 1907 - WA (Western Australia), Australia
SPOUSE: Eveline Cook
F: William Charles Burgess
M: Ellen Utanaya Heaven

Gibbney Family Tree
Owner: kgibbney
3 attached records, 4 sources photos
James William Burgess
BIRTH: 25 Nov 1880 - Australia
DEATH: 3 Dec 1945 - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
MARRIAGE: 1907 - Western Australia, Australia
SPOUSE: Eveline Cook
F: William Charles Burgess
M: Ellen Utanaya Heaven

Whitely Family Tree
Owner: catherinewhitely
2 sources
James William Burgess
BIRTH: 25 Nov 1880 - Australia
DEATH: 3 Dec 1945 - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
F: William Charles Burgess
M: Ellen Utanaya Heaven

Moraday Family Tree
Owner: iansmithleeming
7 attached records, 8 sources photos
James William Burgess
BIRTH: 25 Nov 1880 - Australia
DEATH: 3 Dec 1945 - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
MARRIAGE: 1907 - Western Australia, Australia
SPOUSE: Evaline Clare Cook
F: (Name Unknown)
M: (Name Unknown)

Potiphar Family Tree
Owner: James0330
7 attached records, 8 sources photos
James William Burgess
BIRTH: 25 Nov 1880 - Australia
DEATH: 3 Dec 1945 - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
MARRIAGE: 1931 - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
SPOUSE: Rebecca May McPherson
F: William Charles Burgess
M: Ellen Utanaya Heaven

Parker Family Tree
Owner: bobparker29
7 attached records, 8 sources photos
James William Burgess
BIRTH: 25 Nov 1880 - Australia
DEATH: 3 Dec 1945 - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
MARRIAGE: 1907 - Western Australia, Australia
SPOUSE: Eveline Cook
F: William Charles Burgess
M: Ellen Utanaya Heaven

Owner: PRobinson3317
4 sources
James William Burgess
BIRTH: 25 Nov 1880
DEATH: 03 Dec 1945 (3 Dec 1945) - Western Australia
MARRIAGE: 09 Apr 1931 (9 Apr 1931) - Fremantle, Western Australia
SPOUSE: Rebecca May McPherson
F: (Name Unknown)
M: (Name Unknown)
8 Jan 2011

Gibbney, Moraday and Parker have the family group photo.
Potiphar has just a head shot cropped from the group.

The head shot is also copied to
Bossons Family Tree
by BOSSONSBEACH on 3 Nov 2011
Giddy Family Tree
by giddy5 on 30 May 2011
They all seem to have been originally uploaded to
Albany Bracknell Family Tree
Owner: sandy894
"This tree shows the Family Tree of Alfred and Elizabeth Bracknell, who emigrated from England to Albany, Western Australia in 1910."

16-05-12, 06:56
I couldn't get into either web site Janet - the 2nd one wanted me to be the primary person, and of course I am not - on the trees you sent (for which I thank you)

Are the people's email addresses available? - if they are, maybe I could write to some of them and find out where they fit in - who they are related to ?

In particular -
Kerry Shayne
Catherine Whiteley

I do know of Sandy894 - it was his ancestor who travelled with my grandfather from Adelaide to Perth to look for work to send the money home to their recently bereaved mother - they were in their early teens.

16-05-12, 08:23
No, sorry Jood. I think you have to be signed into Ancestry, and then you can click on the person's user name and send them an email from within Ancestry. They don't reveal the actual email address. (I tried both Ancestry and Mundia.) Maybe someone here can send some messages for you and give them your own email address? It's not going to be me tonight, I'm afraid. I am so late for going to bed! :o

16-05-12, 09:43
Janet - I am shocked - are you still up???? You should have gone to bed hours ago *wags finger like Kate does*

Oh well, you tried, and I appreciate you doing that for me.