View Full Version : Can someone try reading a word here, please?

Joy Dean
24-03-12, 20:49
There is a word just above "Baghdad" that I am uncertain about. (The sideways writing - looks like
We have had one of Joe's letters returned to us this week it has been to ?????? different places in Baghdad.)

Please ignore the grammar / spelling :) Thank you.

PS Oh dear the attachment isn't very big :(

24-03-12, 21:22
Is it "eight different places"?

Joy Dean
24-03-12, 21:26
I wondered if the word is eight but wasn't sure and didn't want to put the word in people's minds.

Thank you, Merry.

24-03-12, 22:58
Pretty sure it says:

we have had one of Joes
letters returned to us this
week it as been to eight
different places in Baghdad

Joy, if you double-click on the attachment after it opens up, then you get a larger version of it. Also you can then save it if you wish. I right-clicked and put it on my desktop, then blew it up big enough to see easily.

25-03-12, 09:53

Joy Dean
25-03-12, 13:33
Thank you :)