View Full Version : Faroe Islands

30-01-12, 05:45
Does anyone know where BMDs for Faroe Islands would be? I'm thinking Denmark, but not sure.

The time frame is 1890ish to 1920ish.

30-01-12, 08:44
lol Libby I don't even know where the Faroe Islands are and would have denied their existance if you had asked that question.

Good luck though, maybe someone better at geography will know the answer.

30-01-12, 08:47
wikipedia says The islands form a self-governing country under the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Denmark.


Over the years, the Faroese have taken control of most domestic matters. Areas that remain the responsibility of Denmark include military defence, police, justice, currency and foreign affairs.

so the registers may be on the island?

30-01-12, 09:39
What are you after, Bs, Ms or Ds? Only it looks as though you can order a microfilm of the deaths (1879 - 1933) at a Family History Centre, but I haven't managed to find out about the Bs and the Ms.

Deaths (http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/fhlcatalog/supermainframeset.asp?display=titledetails&titleno=447292&disp=D%26%23xf8%3Bdsattester &columns=*,0,0)

30-01-12, 09:46
I'm on a wild goose chase...lol

The grandfather of my sister-in-law was a sailer from Grimsby, Lincs. According to his son (SIL's father) this fellow had a second family in the Faroe Islands. Tha son met them when he went with his father a few times on the boats.

I have no idea whether they would have the surname (Melhuish) or not. Just thought I'd have a nosey...lol

30-01-12, 09:56
There are censuses etc on this site that you could try searching, but I don't know whether the Faroe Islands are included in any of them:
Danish National Archives (http://www.sa.dk/ao/)

30-01-12, 09:57
Also you can order films of the censuses etc to Family History Centres:
Faroe Island catalogue (http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/fhlcatalog/supermainframeset.asp?display=localitydetails&subject=141&subject_disp=Faroe+Islands&columns=*,0,0)

30-01-12, 09:58

Uncle John
01-02-12, 20:38
Have you looked in the Overseas BMDs (on FMP or familyrelatives)?

02-02-12, 01:06
No UJ.....I haven't. I think this will have been covered up as original wife was still very much alive back in Grimsby.......but I'll take a look.
