View Full Version : Thomas Turner

09-12-11, 12:36
One of the shadowier of my ancestors.

Married Mary Sansbury or Sainsbury 1797 in Downton, Wiltshire.

Son William bp 12 Nov 1797
Son John bp 1 Dec 1799

Really spookily, I think his widow was living a couple of doors from some of my mother's ancestors in 1841 & 1851. (Though, let's face it, there must have been several Mary Turners floating about!)

09-12-11, 16:43
Ooh, Phoenix, my mother-in-law used to live in Downton!
My sister-in-law is in Morgans Vale.

09-12-11, 16:46
Do you have any idea when he died, Phoenix?

09-12-11, 16:52
Sadly, all Downton means to me is some very poor quality microfiche! Though each time I see a painting of Salisbury cathedral by Constable, I know that is a view he may have seen in later life.

09-12-11, 16:57
Elizabeth, I think he probably died between about 1815 and 1841 and probably in Britford or East Harnham rather than Downton itself. If, that is, the Thomas Turner, mason's labourer b 1815 in East Harnham was his son.

11-12-11, 11:07
Downton and Britford with East Harnham now have Online Parish Clerks who might be able to help:

Wiltshire OPC Downton (http://www.wiltshire-opc.org.uk/information/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&cid=25:parishes&id=506:downton&Itemid=95)
Wiltshire OPC Britford (http://www.wiltshire-opc.org.uk/information/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&cid=25:parishes&id=456:britford&Itemid=95)

12-12-11, 12:58
Thank you, Kite!

It looks as if the wretched couple were working in Downton, rather than living there.