View Full Version : John Hairyes atlantic crossings ?

09-09-11, 17:48
Hi everyone i could do with some help regarding John Hairyes born 1865 harrigate,died 1919 leeds.he lived at 10 percevrence terrace holbeck,1in 1891,1901,1911 he was married to rebecca thomson born 1865/1954.his children were Nelly,John William,Margire,and Annie, my problem is i thought John emigrtted to Millbury,Mass,in 1893,returning in 1894,howvere i found out some exciting news.I spoke to one of 2 surving Hairyes family in Millbury yesterday.They said there uncle John Hairyes travelled there regulary.The only evidence i have is the lists for johns enitial daparture on ancestry in 1893 with his family. Can anyone help me solve this riddle,did John travel there regulary can anyone help me find any evidence,any help would be gratefully,recived from Zoe

09-09-11, 17:52
Hi Zoe, you haven't said how much or what you already have, so I'm posting the following in case you don't have it:

Name: John HAIRYES
Date of departure: 20 July 1893
Port of departure: Liverpool
Destination port: New York
Destination country: USA
Date of Birth: 1865 (calculated from age)
Age: 28
Marital Status: Married
Sex: Male
Occupation: Presssetter
Passenger recorded on: Page 2 of 12
The following people with the same last name travelled on this voyage: -
Official Number:
Master's name: Capt Seccombe
Steamship Line:
Where bound: New York, USA
Square feet: 9634
Registered tonnage: 3489
Passengers on voyage: 474

09-09-11, 18:18
I can't find him on any other passenger lists to or from the US. I wonder whether they had another Uncle John and they're confusing the two?

09-09-11, 18:43
Zoe, I'm not saying this is the case here, but I've lost count of the number of my relatives who say they remember ancestor X or Y when they died decades before my relative was born! Usually they remember someone else of the same name from a more recent generation. (like Kite suggested)