View Full Version : More German handwriting

26-07-11, 10:57
This is proabably a lost cause, but having seen Sally's thread I thought I'd ask if anyone can help with this WW1 postcard which was in my great uncle's collection.

The front has a photo of the village of Engleskirchen, it's addressed to Musketier Dopper and begins "Leibe Willi" but I can't read the rest and only did German for 3 months at school donkeys years ago.

Thankyou for looking


26-07-11, 14:42
Sorry, I can only make out Lieber Willi (dear Willie) and Auf Weidersehen at the end!

26-07-11, 14:46
Jill, this is also very difficult to decipher. I've downloaded the image and will take a better look later, if you can be patient.

I bet if I posted letters in my grandmother's handwriting noone could decipher them, and they are in English! My Mum always had to read them for me because as a child I couldn't read her writing at all.

26-07-11, 18:06
Isn't it strange how the address was always written beautifully, but the rest not!! Perhaps having to fit a lot onto a small area had something to do with it

26-07-11, 18:10
I wonder whther it might have been written in haste to catch the post Sally. Thanks for taking a look Elizabeth, I only did German for 3 months then changed schools and that was nearly 40 years ago!

26-07-11, 18:26
A couple of bits - still studying it!

Grüßen von hier - greetings from here

gesund und munter noch? - still alive and kicking

sehr besoffen (? - not quite sure) - very drunk

26-07-11, 20:11
Typical soldier then! Thanks Elizabeth :)