View Full Version : Help - lost ancestry old search

19-07-11, 08:01
This happened to me last night and I was hoping it would have gone back to normal this morning, but no such luck. I seem to be stuck with ancestry's "new search", with no "back to old search" button anywhere to be seen.

Last night I could get round it by going onto the US site and the old search was still there, but now I've got the new one on there too. Is it the same for everyone, or just me?

19-07-11, 08:03
I keep losing it too and takes an age to get it back it's usually a link up on the right hand side but it's not always there for me!

I think it's because you went to the US Site I think there are trying to persuade us it is better but I like the old search.


19-07-11, 08:04
I've still got the old search. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

19-07-11, 08:09
Thanks for the link, Maggie. It brings up a screen with the new search on it but it does have the "Go to old search" button - but when I click it, it doesn't take me to the old search!

BUT - replacing "co.uk" in the URL of your link with ".com" and clicking on "Go to old search" does take me to the old search, thank goodness.

19-07-11, 11:04
It's a nightmare, isn't it? I hate the new search. At present I am still able to access the old one without problems, but on a friend's computer we cannot access the old search whatever I do. Most frustrating.

19-07-11, 11:09
But why do they do it if so many people hate it why carnt we have the choice we pay enough in subs for it

Sue from Southend
19-07-11, 15:17
Bizarrely if I search Ancestry on my laptop the next time I search on the main PC it reverts to the dreaded new search and often won't let me change back until it feels like it!!

20-07-11, 03:50
I use Ancestry library version and unfortunately, there's no choice of using the old search. I hate the new one and don't know anybody who likes it so don't know why they've taken the option of the old search away. :(

24-07-11, 10:17
Thank you for that link Maggie. I've only just got Ancestry again after months without a sub and am finding the changes confusing + I'm out of practice

Have put your link in my 'favourites'

Does anyone know if the 1911 census (in it's entirety) will be added to Ancestry soon ?
I have an FMP sub for the census only, which runs out shortly and it may not be worth my while renewing.

24-07-11, 18:03
Some time but not sure exactly when. I believe there are some apprentices' records coming to ancestry soon too.

24-07-11, 19:53
Thanks Kate
When I think it through I s'pose there's not much left for me to look up on the 1911 ~ the never-ending search for two disappearing gt gt aunts and that's about it.

25-07-11, 01:13
I'm hoping that anyone I had missing from the 1911 will turn up on ancestry. When I had both FMP and ancestry I found that if I couldn't find them on one they would often turn up on the other.

I just wish FMP would hurry up with the british library records. I want them now, not sometime in the future.