View Full Version : Stow wills?

14-06-11, 07:51
Yesterday on the TNA website I found:

Abstract of Will of Popple Popple, Farmer of Scotton, Lincolnshire. Proved in the Court of Stow.
June 05 1811
(It should say John Popple. Lots of the abstracts have double surnames, for some reason).

It tells me that the executor became William Cheswick, because John Popple's wife died in October 1811.

I have now found John Popple's will for 1811 on the FMP index under the Court of Stow.

316 Popple John Scotton Lincoln

I assume this will have details of the bequests.

How do I send for a Stow will?

14-06-11, 08:14
Once I had shifted my head out of Gloucestershire (Stow-on-the-Wold!) I decided you should look here:


You need to contact Lincolnshire Archives :)

14-06-11, 08:47
Thanks, Merry. I should have looked there first. :o
I haven't had a Stow will before.

14-06-11, 13:12
Yesterday on the TNA website I found:

Abstract of Will of Popple Popple, Farmer of Scotton, Lincolnshire. Proved in the Court of Stow.
June 05 1811
(It should say John Popple. Lots of the abstracts have double surnames, for some reason).

Programmer error, I dare say, Elizabeth! That's worth complaining about. It's probably easily fixable. The programmer probably already knows it's there, just needs to be given the green light to spend a little time to rewrite a line or two of code.

14-06-11, 13:20
Where are the will abstracts on TNA, please, Elizabeth?

14-06-11, 13:31
Kate, I just searched Documents on Line for the surname Popple:


It came up under death duty registers.

The sheet I downloaded in headed "Court of the Archdeaconry of Stow" and is for 1811 and mentions 5 other people. I'm not sure why this appears on the TNA website.

14-06-11, 13:32
Oh right, the death duty registers, thanks.